All of our chicks for the 2025 Spring season are currently reserved. If you still want to come visit them, the following shipment dates are listed below.
Some chicks may go unclaimed, making them available for public purchase; however, this will not be determined until at least the week after the original shipment.
Chicken Supplies
Layer Feed
Pellets, Crumbles, Organic, etc.
Start & Grow
Medicated & Non-Medicated
Heat Lamps
Bulbs & Fixtures
Pine, Hemp, Straw, etc.
Scratch, Dried Mealworms, etc.
in sizes for Chick, Poultry, & Turkey
Chicken Wire
sold by the foot, or in 50ft/100ft rolls
Oyster Shell
Dusting Sulphur/Diatomaceous Earth
Raising Chicks: What To Know
Safe, clean, draft-free room or building
Heat lamps and/or heating pads
Litter and/or shavings (pine wood shavings are ideal)
Brooder guard (circular and expandable)
Feeders (4in/chick)
Waterer (One quart for 12 chicks)
Sanitizing solution
Cleaning brushes
25-watt incandescent or equivalent CFL or LED light bulbs
Purina Start & Grow (medicated is typically used for the first two months before switching to non-medicated)
Thermometer (to maintain temperature)
Tips to Maintain Temperature:
Begin heating brooder 24 hours prior to bringing chicks in.
Place heat lamp 20 inches above the litter surface.
A Thermometer should be placed at the chicks level for accuracy.
If chicks are avoiding direct light, it may be too hot. If they are huddled under it, they may be too cold.
Do NOT reduce environmental temperature below 55F until birds are at LEAST 6 weeks old.
Learn more about raising chickens from our past blog post!
Our Past Breeds
All 2025 Spring chicks are currently reserved. Be sure to check out what will be in store and when so you can visit!
Easter Eggers
Buff Orpington
Rhode Island Red
Black Laced Golden Wyandottes
Black Laced Silver Wyandottes
Speckled Sussex
Cinnamon Queen
Plymouth Barred Rock
Salmon Faverolles
Splash Wyandotte
Lavender Orpington
Copper Maran
Cream Legbar
Easter Eggers
Barred Plymouth Rock
Rhode Island Red
White Jersey Giant
Black Australorp
Buff Orpington
Speckled Sussex
Salmon Faverolles
Black Laced Silver Wyandottes
Black Laced Golden Wyandottes
Easter Eggers
Barred Plymouth Rock
Rhode Island Red
Black Jersey Giants
Black Australorps
Buff Orpingtons
Speckled Sussex
Light Brahmas
Black Laced Silver Wyandottes
Black Laced Gold Wyandottes
Easter Eggers
Barred Plymouth Rock
Rhode Island Red
Black Jersey Giants
Black Autralorps
Buff Orpingtons
Speckled Sussex
Light Brahmas
Easter Eggers
Barred Plymouth Rock
Rhode Island Red
Black Jersey Giants
Black Australorps
Buff Orpingtons
Speckled Sussex
Light Brahmas
Salmon Faverolles
Easter Eggers
Buff Orpingtons
Black Australorps
Rhode Island Red
Cuckoo Marans
Light Brahmans
Speckled Sussex
More Resources
BackYard Chickens
Learn about raising chickens, join forums and other community pages, and find supplies like coops!
Cackle Hatchery
Located in Lebanon, MO. They offer pick-up or shipping on many different breeds all year long! Find supplies there too!
My Pet Chicken
Find tons of information about raising chickens, different breeds, and more. You can also get chickens shipped with supplies too!