2025 Spring Chick Breeds!
It’s that time of the year again, and 2025 chicks are already SOLD OUT!
This year we’re featuring popular breeds like Easter Eggers and Buff Orpingtons, along with new options such as Copper Marans and Splash Wyandottes!
Learn all about the breeds we’ll be offering and when you can see them in-store!
(All chicks have been reserved, if you placed an order please pick them up the week of shipment. We will call you when the chicks arrive and are acclimated! Orders that have not been picked up may become unclaimed after a week.)
Easter Eggers - $6.99
Our most popular breed! Known for their uniquely colored eggs! Ranging from blue, green, or even pink! They’re great for beginners and considered calm and docile, making them great for families with kids!
Buff Orpingtons - $5.99
Known to be excellent brown egg-layers. Orpingtons tend to mature quickly, and they’re weather-hardy! So if you have harsher conditions, like extreme heat or cold, they tend to handle it better. This breed is also known to be friendly, making them great for families with kids!
Rhode Island Red - $5.99
Known for their reddish-brown feathers, these brown egg-layers are popular for their production rate! They also do great in harsher temperatures, both hot and cold! As far as personality goes, can also be energetic & friendly!
Black Jersey Giants - $6.99
Also known as one of the largest chickens in the world! These giant black egg layers produce large brown eggs. They’re also considered to be relatively calm despite their size!
Black Laced Golden Wyandottes - $5.99
These brown egg-laying chickens are known to be docile and work well in free-range or backyard environments! Egg production is relatively high.
Easter Eggers - $6.99
Our most popular breed! Known for their uniquely colored eggs! Ranging from blue, green, or even pink! They’re great for beginners and considered calm and docile, making them great for families with kids!
Buff Orpingtons - $5.99
Known to be excellent brown egg-layers. Orpingtons tend to mature quickly, and they’re weather-hardy! So if you have harsher conditions, like extreme heat or cold, they tend to handle it better. This breed is also known to be friendly, making them great for families with kids!
Welsummers - $6.99
New to O.K. Hatchery! Known for their large dark-brown/reddish-colored eggs! Welsummers are also considered to be rather intelligent and friendly!
Speckled Sussex - $6.99
These large cream/white egg layers are great for beginners! They are known for their friendly and calm personality, and rarely go broody! Plus they’re winter hardy, making them perfect for harsher temperatures.
Easter Eggers - $6.99
Our most popular breed! Known for their uniquely colored eggs! Ranging from blue, green, or even pink! They’re great for beginners and considered calm and docile, making them great for families with kids!
Cinnamon Queen - $5.99
New at O.K. Hatchery! These are a hybrid between Rhode Island Red and Black Laced Silver Wyandottes. Known for docile, friendly, and excellent brown egg-layers.
Rhode Island Red - $5.99
These brown egg-laying chickens do great in harsher temperatures, both hot and cold! They can also be energetic & friendly!
Plymouth Barred Rock - $5.99
Plymouths are compared often to be a larger version of a Dominique. These brown egg-laying chickens are known for their higher production rate. They also do well in colder temperatures!
Easter Eggers - $6.99
Our most popular breed! Known for their uniquely colored eggs! Ranging from blue, green, or even pink! They’re great for beginners and considered calm and docile, making them great for families with kids!
Black Laced Silver Wyandottes - $5.99
Similar to the Golden Wyandotte, these brown egg-laying chickens are known to be docile and work well in free-range or backyard environments! Egg production is relatively high.
Black Laced Golden Wyandottes - $5.99
These brown egg-laying chickens are known to be docile and work well in free-range or backyard environments! Egg production is relatively high.
Australorps - $5.99
Australrops are considered to be docile and good for families with kids! These large-in-size layers have brown-colored eggs and are known for a higher production rate, typically starting at 20-22 weeks of age.
Salmon Faverolles - $11.99
New to O.K. Hatchery! Faverolles are larger chickens with fluffy feet! They lay light brown eggs and are known to be good layers. Another positive is that they also do well in colder temperatures!
Splash Wyandottes - $11.99
New to O.K. Hatchery! These large in-size, egg-layers have a light gray shell and produce at a higher rate. Their friendly and docile nature makes them perfect for backyard environments!
Lavender Orpington - $15.99
New to O.K. Hatchery! These egg layers have a light brown shell and are considered to have a higher production rate. They’re known to be docile and gentle! Lavender Orpingtons are winter hardy but require more help in hotter months.
Copper Maran - $15.99
New to O.K. Hatchery! These egg layers have a dark brown shell and are known for their “eggcellent” quality! They’re known to be docile and gentle!
Cream Legbar - $15.99
New at O.K. Hatchery! Cream Legbars are a special hybrid breed, with a history going back as far as the 1930s! These egg layers have a unique blue/aqua-colored shell!
Salmon Faverolles - $11.99
New to O.K. Hatchery! Faverolles are larger chickens with fluffy feet! They lay light brown eggs and are known to be good layers. Another positive is that they also do well in colder temperatures!
Buff Orpingtons - $5.99
Known to be excellent brown egg-layers. Orpingtons tend to mature quickly, and they’re weather-hardy! So if you have harsher conditions, like extreme heat or cold, they tend to handle it better. This breed is also known to be friendly, making them great for families with kids!
Speckled Sussex - $6.99
These large cream/white egg layers are great for beginners! They are known for their friendly and calm personality, and rarely go broody! Plus they’re winter hardy, making them perfect for harsher temperatures.
Lavender Orpington - $15.99
New to O.K. Hatchery! These egg layers have a light brown shell and are considered to have a higher production rate. They’re known to be docile and gentle! Lavender Orpingtons are winter hardy but require more help in hotter months.
Light Brahma - $TBD
Returning to O.K. Hatchery! These hens make good brown egg layers, especially in winter months! They have cute feathered feet and are known to be gentle, quiet, and easy to handle! They are adaptable to cooler seasons but may need some attention in extreme heat. Perfect for families and beginners!
Easter Eggers - $6.99
Our most popular breed! Known for their uniquely colored eggs! Ranging from blue, green, or even pink! They’re great for beginners and considered calm and docile, making them great for families with kids!
Plymouth Barred Rock - $5.99
Plymouths are compared often to be a larger version of a Dominique. These brown egg-laying chickens are known for their higher production rate. They also do well in colder temperatures!
Buff Orpingtons - $5.99
Known to be excellent brown egg-layers. Orpingtons tend to mature quickly, and they’re weather-hardy! So if you have harsher conditions, like extreme heat or cold, they tend to handle it better. This breed is also known to be friendly, making them great for families with kids!
Lavender Orpington - $15.99
New to O.K. Hatchery! These egg layers have a light brown shell and are considered to have a higher production rate. They’re known to be docile and gentle! Lavender Orpingtons are winter hardy but require more help in hotter months.
All chicks are currently reserved. If you are interested in purchasing unclaimed chicks, please stop by or give us a call at: (314)822-0083
(We as you only come in or call at least ONE WEEK after the original shipment. This is to allow those that have reserved orders have a chance to pick them up. Thank you!)